I came from a very humble background, but have been blessed in so many ways in my life. In trying to give back, I have asked myself whether it would be futile, fruitless work:
- There are so many problems in the world – what difference can I make?
- There are too many people suffering – what I can do is just a drop in the ocean.
There are governments and so many established organisation – why not just leave them to do the necessary ….. many factors and diversions (geo-politics, corruption, addictions, fanaticism, power, mass culture) stronger than what alternative I think I can offer.
- How about if I just relax and enjoy the fruits of my success since I have worked so hard?
- What if I am doing philanthropy just to feel good about myself?
- How do I know if I’m doing enough?
- Should I just follow my heart, or must I be sure that there is scientific data and also scale?
- How do I choose the areas to work on?
I do not have the answers to all those questions, but I decided to emulate my late husband’s ‘just do it’ attitude, and his courage in taking up challenges. Within a short time, I was pleasantly surprised that following my heart had led to many fruitful encounters – of wonderful, hardworking people, who dedicate their time and effort to helping the needy – and working with these people have meant that even the numbers are adding up now.
Indeed every effort makes a difference.
There are ways this world is developing which promises sustainability and a bright future of abundance. Let’s help as many people as possible get educated – to help them understand there is a future for them too, and to make the right choices for ourselves and themselves. Give more people (as many as we can) a realistic way to hope for our future, and that of the whole world. Even if you think your help is futile – let’s have the hope to give someone else hope. The world population has now reached 7 billion, and counting. For every educated enlightened being, there are many more who have not had the faintest chance to the basics of literacy and numeracy; let alone be exposed to the minds of the wise and learned.