About Persatuan Kebajikan Rolf Schnyder

Persatuan Kebajikan Rolf Schnyder (PKRS) was set up to honour the wish of my late husband, Rolf W Schnyder, to help the hapless in Malaysia, with priority to children, the future of our world.

We were established in Malaysia in 2019 as a philanthropic organisation (Reg. Number: PPM-011-14-28022019)

A Word from the Founder

I came from a very humble background, but have been blessed in so many ways in my life. In trying to give back, I have asked myself whether it would be futile, fruitless work:

  • There are so many problems in the world – what difference can I make?
  • There are too many people suffering – what I can do is just a drop in the ocean.

There are governments and so many established organisation – why not just leave them to do the necessary ….. many factors and diversions (geo-politics, corruption, addictions, fanaticism, power, mass culture) stronger than what alternative I think I can offer.

  • How about if I just relax and enjoy the fruits of my success since I have worked so hard?
  • What if I am doing philanthropy just to feel good about myself?
  • How do I know if I’m doing enough?
  • Should I just follow my heart, or must I be sure that there is scientific data and also scale?
  • How do I choose the areas to work on?

I do not have the answers to all those questions, but I decided to emulate my late husband’s ‘just do it’ attitude, and his courage in taking up challenges. Within a short time, I was pleasantly surprised that following my heart had led to many fruitful encounters – of wonderful, hardworking people, who dedicate their time and effort to helping the needy – and working with these people have meant that even the numbers are adding up now.

Indeed every effort makes a difference.

There are ways this world is developing which promises sustainability and a bright future of abundance. Let’s help as many people as possible get educated – to help them understand there is a future for them too, and to make the right choices for ourselves and themselves.  Give more people (as many as we can) a realistic way to hope for our future, and that of the whole world. Even if you think your help is futile – let’s have the hope to give someone else hope. The world population has now reached 7 billion, and counting. For every educated enlightened being, there are many more who have not had the faintest chance to the basics of literacy and numeracy; let alone be exposed to the minds of the wise and learned.

Its been fortunate that our philanthropic work since the setup of Fondation Rolf Schnyder had been bearing fruits every year  – having been able to provide educational, medical, nutritional and other assistance to tens of thousands of underprivileged children and their families. Our activities take me all over the world, while maintaining a keen interest in the Southeast Asia region and for stateless children. We are now putting our main focus on early Digital Literacy as this is a crucial skill for most future jobs.

Let’s begin with small steps and let these count. Let’s make the difference. I am very grateful for any kind of support and contribution you would give to make this a continuity for the generations to come.

Chai Schnyder

In meeting with the needy – sometimes the most unexpected happens, and is actually most nourishing to the heart.  One day, a young beneficiary asked – what can she do for me in return?  I was so deeply touched that someone with so little wanted to do what she can for me, and wrote this:

When you smile

When you said “Thank you”

When you asked what you could do for me in return

 You already did

‘Cause my heart felt warmed

 All I want

Is that you get a chance

A chance to learn

A chance to move forward

A chance to hope

A chance to be happy

 And I thank you, when you take your step forward.